HELLO 2014!
The last blogpost we made was published December 31, 2011. Wow! That’s a good 3 years of inactivity! Where has the ‘The Wandering Couple’ gone?
Well, to summarize:
- I think we have mentioned that we went back to school to finish a Bachelor’s Degree. Both me (Edcel) and Sheena had to endure College all over again
- Time was mostly juggled on school then work
- After graduating, we had to work hard to recuperate all the expenses for College. Yes, education is expensive. It drained my savings account to near-zero, same as Sheena’s
- Don’t be mislead though. We did travel from 2012-2014, but we just did not have the time to finish writing about and publish it. We had trips to Davao, Palawan, Baguio, Sagada, Negros & Apo Island and some cancelled trips due to really bad weather and some schedule conflicts to Zambales, El Nido and Surigao. We will make sure we take care of all those first quarter of 2014
- In 2012, I got the chance to be featured on GMANew TV’s POPTALK as one of the reviewers for “Affordable Beach Resorts” in Cebu. Full episode here:
- In 2013, we got hooked to FREEDIVING. Yes, the art and science of deep diving without tanks and all the shiznit. We dove from sea to sea, island to island together with other Cebu-based travel bloggers who got hooked to the sport as well. Here is a video of our dive in Hilutungan Island in Mactan
- And some trips within Cebu. Yes, Cebu is that beautiful we don’t get tried traveling within it. So one final video for today is during our trip to Sumilon Island🙂
Sumilon Island Getaway from Edcel Ceniza on Vimeo.
So it’s safe to say that we did not stop traveling, we just got too burned with school, then work, got hooked with new hobbies, then got too lazy to update the blog and updated through social Media instead.
What’s in store in 2014? An updated blog, more travel and most specially, OUR FIRST INTERNATIONAL TRIIIIIIPPPPPPP (read with Erich Gonzales voice)
Welcome back to blogging 🙂