The Camotes Islands are a group of islands that form part of the province of Cebu, in the Philippines. The island group is located east of Cebu Island, southwest of Leyte Island, and north of Bohol Island.
First off, since we took the 6:30pm ferry ride from Danao to Camotes, we arrived in Camotes really lates. So instead of staying on an expensive resort and pay the same price, we opted stayed overnight at White View Beach House Resort. White View Beach Resort is located right beside the Santiago Bay Garden and Resort. They have affordable aircon and non-aircon rooms, so if you are on a tight budget, you can stay. The owner of White View Beach House Resort is selling this resort for P2M. Anyone interested? Let us know, we have the owner’s contact number. ^_^
The next day, after spending half of the day strolling through the shores of White View and Santiago, we then went to Mangodlong Rock Beach Resort for our second day stay at Camotes. Mangodlong Rock Beach Resort resort stands 2 hectares of extensive coconut-shaded garden close to the beachfront and offers an ideal combination of intimacy and laid-back island atmosphere. I can totally say that this beach resort is so beautiful! Rooms are spacious and elegant. The foods served in the resort are affordable enough with big servings and the resort itself is so clean and well-landscaped.
Second, we went to Green Lake Park, situated beside the bank of Lake Danao Park. A marker there posted indicates the legend of the lake. Unfortunately, I forgot how the story goes. There is really not much to do here unless you want to dine in in their restaurant. Well, you can stare on the crocodile all day if you want to.
Lastly, we went to Timubo Cave, one of the 8 natural caves in Camotes Island. It was known as the natural drinking water of the people of Sonog. Timubo Cave is a small underground cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites. It has also an underground pool. As far as I know, Timubo cave was once used by Filipinos during World War II to hide from the Japanese. When we went to Timubo Cave, there were a number of locals taking a dip in the cold and clear waters, sadly, with all the “No Food and No Drinks” signage in the cave, they didn’t seem to bother. The locals should take care of Timubo Cave.
After that, we went back to Mangodlong Rock Beach Resort and waited for the sunset. And here are some complimentary sunset shots and silhouette shots for you.
All in all, Camotes Island is truly an ideal place to visit for its white sands and amazing tourists spots. Definitely a must-go! Our unplanned Camotes trip did go smoothly and it was one experience both of us will truly remember.
ahh lingawa…payter! hmmmp…….
waaa nindot… nice sunset shots o_o
Thanks bai Anonymous! ^_^
wow nice suya ko da.. 1 yr anniv namo sako gf sa May.. ako xa dad-on dd2.. unplanned pud kunwari. lol!!! nice nice….
ahahahaha cge bai.. balitai niya ko ^_^
Thanks! Salamat!Nice story about nice Islands!
Pictoresky sunsets indeed!
nice blog !
sure about the P2M for White View Beach Resort ? You can contact me on
hi, you have white view beach house contact number?can i possibly ask for it?thanks.
just got a word from the owner, White view is sold! ^_^
how much did you pay for everything?
hmmmmm i think it was more or less 5k-6k all-in
nindota oi.. makasuya.. pila na ka-adlaw ang 5-6k?
3 days – 2 nights ^_^
wla ka pictures sa room sa Mangodlong Rock Beach Resort bai ?
hala oh. wala ko ka pic sulod sa room bai.. Hmmmm I have never taken any pic of any room sukad2.. I will do that sa sunod. ^_^
I never thought that the island can be romantic. I always thought that this place is boring, and you proved me wrong. Will definitely change my summer plans to go there and have a romantic time with my special someone. Great blog, you inspired me to go there. Thanks!
coooool! and hopefully your comments are sincere and not just link-building ^_^
I am definitely going there, my first plan was Bantayan then when I came across you blog, totally change my plan. By the way, where are you guys going next?
cool! is it possible still to make room reservation at White view resort? PlaNNing to go to Camotes this Oct. & been looking for a nice but not so expensive resort to stay in. Thanks ☺
@cagayan de oro resorts we are already booked for Iloilo and Manila this November but we may be going to Bantayan Island this October 🙂
@bluebubbles White View has just been sold to a new owner so I am not sure if the new management has reopened the resort. Anyway, you can check out Mangodlong Beach resort. You can visit my friend’s site, for more information on camotes resorts 🙂
pila gasto tanan ninyo dre brah?
@ Anonymous: 5k-6k all-in
Thanks for this post. I made a link to this in a post I made for BIR Regional Office in Cebu.
More power to you both and your blog.
hi sis. magkano po ang er night nyo dito sa white view beach resort? tsaka sis meron ka pong contact# nila? thank you
i think that was 1.5k per night.. wala kaming contact # pero you can try searching it in google
asa man jud mas nice mo stay, sa mangodlong or sa santiago? i will be there with my hubby and 4 kids on may. 🙂 –irene
oh dba…..mao d i ni imong blog hap….
oh dba……
Thumbs up for Camotes! We went to Camotes last year for 3 days but still not enough to roam the island. It’s much affordable traveling by group and rent a house.